The Enemy Trick. Gray


Jesus warned about the enemy trying to trick or deceive people because he knew how vulnerable we can be to lies, temptation, and manipulation. In many of his teachings, Jesus emphasized the need to stay vigilant and discerning. In John 10:10, he says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Here, he refers to the enemy—often understood as Satan or evil forces—as one who seeks to lead people away from the truth and fullness of life.

The enemy’s tricks can come in many forms: doubt, false promises, distractions, and tempting us to stray from love, truth, and compassion. By warning us about these traps, Jesus encouraged his followers to stay grounded in faith, to remain watchful, and to hold fast to his teachings. He didn’t want people to be misled or fall into patterns that could harm them or others.

Jesus also spoke about the importance of knowing and following the truth—because truth protects us from deception. In John 8:32, he says, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

For many, the challenge of resisting deception requires a continual commitment to staying close to Jesus, his message, and cultivating spiritual discernment. Do you feel that the enemy's tricks or distractions are something you struggle with, or do you see them more as something to be aware of as you move forward in your spiritual journey?